Type-Safe Programming in Python

Python is celebrated for its simplicity and flexibility, but these features come with a trade-off: a lack of built-in type safety. This can lead to bugs that are hard to track down, especially in large codebases.

Fortunately, Python 3.5 introduced type hints, which can be enforced using tools like Mypy to bring type safety to your code. In this post, we’ll explore how to leverage type annotations and Mypy to write more reliable Python code.

What is Type Safety?

Type safety ensures that variables in your program are only used in ways that are compatible with their types. For example, if you declare a variable as an integer, type safety ensures you don’t accidentally use it as a string or a list, preventing many common bugs at compile-time rather than at runtime.

Why Use Type Annotations in Python?

Introducing Type Annotations

Type annotations in Python are a way to explicitly declare the type of a variable. Here’s a simple example:

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
   return a + b

In this function, a and b are annotated as integers, and the function is expected to return an integer.

Common Type Annotations

Using Mypy for Type Checking

Mypy is a static type checker for Python. It checks your code against the type annotations you’ve written and reports any mismatches.

  1. Installation: You can install Mypy using pip:

    pip install mypy
  2. Running Mypy: To check your code, simply run:

    mypy your_script.py
  3. Configuring Mypy: You can configure Mypy using a mypy.ini file for more complex projects.

Example: Type-Checked Python Code

Let’s consider a more comprehensive example. Suppose you are writing a function that processes a list of user data.

from typing import List, Dict

def process_users(users: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> None:
    for user in users:
        print(f"User {user['name']} has email {user['email']}")

# Example usage
users = [{'name': 'Alice', 'email': 'alice@example.com'}, {'name': 'Bob', 'email': 'bob@example.com'}]

You can run Mypy to check this script:

mypy script.py

If there are any type mismatches, Mypy will report them.

Mypy + Visual Studio Code = <3

VSCode Extenstion Install Button

For me the best way to make use of the huge benefits type hints provide us is to use mypy directly in Visual Studio Code. Its as easy as searching the plugin “Mypy” in the plugin section and installing it. (Make suer to already have mypy installed via pip as described earlier in this post)


To force yourself in new projects to always use type annotations in your code i really like to add the following additional flags to the Plugin via the settings page in VS-Code:

Advanced Type Annotations


Type-safe programming in Python using type annotations and Mypy can significantly enhance the robustness and maintainability of your code. By catching type errors early, you save time debugging and ensure that your programs behave as expected.

Further Reading